These are the books of first entry. The transactions are first recorded in these
books before being entered in the ledger books. These books are also called as
books of Prime entry or Subsidiary books. They are six in number.

1. Purchases Journal (or Purchases Book) used to record all credit purchases of
goods. It is written up from invoice.

2. Sales Journal (or Sales Book) is used to record all the credit sales of goods. It
is written up from the invoice.

3. Sales Returns Journal (or  Return Inwards Book): It is used to record all
returns inwards. It is written up from the copies of the credit notes send to

4. Purchases Return Journal (or Returns Outwards Book): It is used to record
all purchases returns. It is written up from  the credit notes received from the

5. Cash Book: It is used to record all receipts and payments of cash and cheques.
It is been given the ruling in such a way that it acts both as a book of original
entry and ledger account.

6. General Journal (or Journal): This book is used to record all those items or
transactions that can not be recorded in any other book of original entry like
i. Correction of errors
ii. Opening entries
iii. Purchase or Sale of Assets on Credit etc.


Ledger books are the books of final entry which contains the various
accounts to which the entries made in the Books of Original entry are transferred.


1. Purchases Ledger Book: This book contains all the accounts of Suppliers.

2. Sales Ledger Book: This book contains all the accounts of Customers.

3. General Ledger Book: This book contains all the rest of the accounts like,

Assets Accounts, expenses account, losses account, etc., and also the Total
purchases account, Total sales account, Total Sales returns account, Purchases
Returns account. It is also called as Nominal ledger.

Advantages Of Dividing The Ledger:

1. It facilitates division of labour in the maintenance of ledger.

2. It becomes easy to locate errors in ledger accounts.

3. It helps the ledger clerks to complete their respective work in time with

4. It becomes easy to refer to any particular account.


1. Invoice: Whenever there is a credit sale, the selling business will send a
document to buyer showing full details of the goods sold. This document is
called as Invoice. It is known to the buyer as a “Purchases invoice”. And to the
seller as a “Sales invoice”.
Note: Entries in the sales book and the purchases Book are made with the help
of an invoice.

2. Debit Note: This document is prepared by the purchaser and it is sent to the
supplier to report him if any faulty goods are been sent or shortages or
overcharges are been made.

3. Credit Note: When goods are returned, or there has been an over-charge, a
supplier may issue a credit note to the buyer. This reduces the amount owed by
the customer.
Note: This document is used to make the entries in both the purchases returns
Book and the sales returns Book.

4. Statement of Account: This document is prepared and sent to the customer by
the supplier. It is issued to remind the customer about his due amount. It is
basically a summary of the transaction of a customer during the month like
sales made, Returns received and Cash received


Cash book is the only book of original entry which is given ruling in such a way
that it could act at the same time as a book of original entry and as a ledger

1. Trade Discount: It is an allowance or deduction given by the supplier to the
retailer on the catalogue price or list price.

i. It is given to encourage him to buy in bulk.

ii. It is given so that retailer could make some profit.

Note: It is not recorded in the books either by the seller or the buyer.

2.  Cash Discount: It is an allowance or deduction given by the receiver of cash to
the payer of cash for prompt payment.
It is of two types discount allowed and discount received.

i. It is given to encourage the payer to pay on or before the due date.

ii. Note: This discount is recorded in the Cash Book. Discount allowed is
recorded at the debit side and discount received on the credit side.

iii. Note: Discount columns are never balanced. It is just totalled.

iv. Note: Every month the Total’s of discount allowed column is transferred to
debit side of Discount allowed account in General ledger and the total of discount-received column is transferred to the credit side of Discount received
account in the General ledger.

3. Contra Entry: When a transaction effects both cash and bank accounts at the
same time, such entries are called as Contra Entries.


Imprest System: It is a system where a reimbursement is made of the total amount
paid in a period or it can also be called as a system where petty cashier begin each
new accounting period with the same amount of petty cash.

Advantages Of Petty Cash Book:

1. The number of entries in the main cashbook is reduced.

2. The main cashier’s burden is reduced.

3. The chances of mistakes in recording is minimised.

4. Posting become more easy with the Total’s Analysis Columns.

Advantages of using Analysis columns:

It let us know the money spent on each different nature of small expense.
The double entry for each analysis column by transferring the totals of the analysis
columns to their respective accounts which are available in the General ledger.


Trial balance may be defined as a statement or a list of all ledger account
balances taken from various ledger books on a particular date to check the
arithmetical accuracy.

Objectives Or Advantages Of Trial Balance

1. It checks the arithmetical accuracy of ledger accounts.

2. It gives material for preparing Final accounts.

3. To have a proof that the double entry of each transaction is made.

Important Points To Prepare Trial Balance:

1. It should be remembered that all the Assets and expenses accounts are always

2. All liabilities and incomes are always credited.

3. All provisions are always credited.

4. Closing stock is never taken in trial balance. (it is to be shown out of the trial

I. Capital Expenses:

1. All expenses for acquiring the fixed Assets like, Machinery, Building,
Furniture etc;

2. All expenses incidental to the acquisition of Fixed Assets.
Examples: Transporting of Machinery and Fixing and Registration of Land
and Building or Business.

3. All expenses to improve the existing Assets to increase Profit earning

4. Major repairs and renewals to increase the efficiency of the business.

II. Revenue Expenses:

1. All regular expenses which are incurred in the daily course of business.
      Example: Wages, Salaries, Repairs, Administration expenses.

2. Purchase of Raw Material and goods.

3. Losses through bad debts and depreciation.

4. Interest paid on borrowed funds. Etc.

III. Capital Income/ Capital Receipt:
The receipt of money, which arise not from regular source of income
Examples: i. Capital bought in to the business.
                ii. Income through bank loan.
                iii. Income through sale of fixed Assets.

IV. Revenue Incomes/Revenue Receipts:
The receipt of money, which arises
in regular course of business.

1. Sales proceeds of business

2. Commission or Interest received

3. Discount received. etc.


I. Trading Account:

As the name itself implies this account deals with
trading i.e. buying and selling of goods. This account shows the Gross Profit
earned or loss incurred on the goods sold.

II. Profit and Loss Account:

As the name implies this account deals with
profits and losses, gains and expenses. This shows the calculation of Final
Profit or loss of a business.

III. Balance Sheet:

“This is not an account” but it is a statement of financial
position of a business on a certain date.



It is the due, which has to be paid for the benefit or service enjoyed
during an accounting period. It can  also be called as due, an outstanding or an


It is a payment for the benefit which has not yet been enjoyed.

Bad Debts:

It is a debt which is deemed to be irrecoverable.

Bad Debts Recovered:  

It is a debt which was previously written off and is now
paid to us.

Provision For Bad Debts: It is a saving from profit for a possible future loss that
may or may not occur.


Departmental Accounts are the accounts that through light not only on the
trading result of the business as a whole but also on the trading result of each
department individually.

Reasons Or Advantages Of Making Departmental Accounts:
Reasons To Know The Result Of Each Department:

1. It lets us know the expenses and incomes of each department clearly at one

2. It helps us to compare the results i.e. G.P or N.P of one department with the

3. It helps us to formulate policies in order to develop the business on proper

4. To decide whether to drop or start a new department.

5. It helps us to reward the departmental managers.

Things to be considered before closing a department:

1. Consider all possible means to improve the department.

2. The methods used to apportion the expenses should be studied to see if they are
in fact the fairest methods.

3. The effect of the closure of one department on the other department should be

4. The attractive uses of the space becoming available need to be considered.

5. Non-Monetary factors such as staff morale and the effect on supplies  and
customers faith is also to be considered.

Manufacturing businesses prepare manufacturing account in addition to the
usual final Accounts. Manufacturing account shows how much does it cost the
business to manufacture the goods in a financial year.

Cost Of Raw Material Consumed:

It is the value of Raw material used in production. It consist of net purchases of Raw Material, carriage on raw material opening stock of raw material closing stock of Raw material.

Prime Cost: 

It is the basic cost of manufacturing the goods. It consists of direct raw material direct labour and direct expenses.

Production Cost: It is the total cost of manufacturing the goods. It consist of prime cost plus factory expenses, and it is after any  adjustment for work-inprogress.

These are the goods which are partly made, but which are not yet completed are known as work-in-progress.

      A partnership business is an Association of two or more persons formed with
the object of sharing profits arising out of business.


1. Huge Capital: More capital can be secured than in the case of a sole trading business.

2. Wise decision: It enjoys the benefit of combined ability.

3. Introduction of Division of labour: Partnership enjoys all advantages of Division of labour. Duties can be assigned to different partners according to their qualifications and specialization.

4. Greater borrowing capacity:

5. Diffusion of risk.

6. More contact with the customers.


1. Unlimited liability

2. Delay in decision.

3. Difference in opinions.

4. No perpetual existence.

5. Secrets cannot be maintained.

Accounts of Partnership Firm

Partnership firms prepare the following final accounts:

1. Trading A/c

2. Profit & Loss A/c

3. Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c

4. Current Accounts

5. Partners Capital Accounts

6. Balance sheet.

          1) Trading and 2) Profit & Loss A/c is prepared in the usual form.

Profit and Loss Appropriation Account

This account is a continuation of the profit and loss account and it is
prepared to show the appropriation of profits and losses among the partners.

Current Accounts

     In a partnership business amount withdrawn by a partner is generally accounted
for separately by debiting the current accounts of the partner who withdraws the
amount from the business.

Capital Accounts

In a partnership business there are as many capital accounts as are partners. A
partner’s contribution to the business is called his capital. It always shows a credit
balance which is always fixed. It has changes only when extra capital is bought in
to the business are a new partner enters into the business.


Goodwill means the good reputation of the business which enables it to enjoy
regular flow of customer. It is an intangible fixed Asset.


It is a system which is defined as any system which is not exactly the double
entry system. It is developed by certain small business people.

Computation of Profit:

Net Profit:

(Closing Capital + Drawings) – (Opening Capital + Additional Capital)

Mark-up: gross profit calculation as a percentage of cost price

Mark-up =      Profit        x  100
                   Cost price

Margin: The calculation of Gross Profit as a percentage of Selling price.

Margin =       Profit        x  100
                Selling price


Control accounts are sometimes known as total accounts. A control account
act as a summary of the ledger which it controls. There are two control accounts.

1. Sales ledger control account / Total debtors account

2. Purchases ledger control account / Total creditors account.

1. Sales Ledger Control Account: It resembles the account of an individual
debtor. It is an account recording in total the transactions affecting all the

Sources Of Information For Sales Ledger Control Account:

Sales                                                      Sales Book
Cash and Cheques received                     Cash Book
Dishonoured Cheques                            Cash Book

Discount allowed                                     Cash Book

Bad debts                                                Journal

2. Purchases Ledger Control Account:

It resembles the account of an individual creditor. It records the transactions effecting all the creditors.

Sources Of Information For This Account

Purchases                                             Purchase Book

Purchases Returns                                 Purchase Returns Book

Cash and cheque paid                           Cash Book

Discount received                                  Cash Book

Cash refund’s from creditors                  Cash Book

Note: Sometimes it can happen that there is a small opening Debit balance on a
purchases ledger control account in addition to the usual credit balance. It
happens when the business has overpaid a creditor, or has returned the goods
after paying the due amount.

Note: Sometimes sales ledger control account too also has small opening credit
balance b/d on a sales ledger control account, in addition to the usual
opening debit balance. It happens when a debtor has over paid his account or
has returned goods after paying his account or due amount.

Advantages Of Control Account:

1. It helps in locating errors.

2. It helps in checking the arithmetical accuracy of the ledger it controls.

3. It gives us readymade figures for Total debtors and Total creditors on a
certain date.

4. Fraud is made more difficult by the use of control account.


The purpose of bank reconciliation statement is to explain any difference
between the bank balance appearing on the bank statement provided by the bank..

Reasons For Difference:

Sometimes it so happen that some entries are made in cash book but they are
not recorded in the bank. Like.

1. Cheques deposited but not credited in the Bank.

2. Cheques issued but are not presented in the bank.

Sometimes it so happens that some entries are made in bank statement but
they are not recorded in cashbook. Like.

1. Direct deposits in the bank by our customers

2. Direct collections made by the bank on our behalf

3. Direct payments made by bank

4. Interest allowed by the bank and charged by the bank

5. Dishonoured cheques.

Therefore a statement is prepared to reconcile this difference. This statement
is called as “Bank Reconciliation statement”.

Methods Of Preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement:

Step I: Compare the bank column of the cashbook with the bank statement. Tick
all those receipts and payments which can be found in both the cash
book and the bank statement, when this has been done, there remains
some unticked items in cash book and the bank statement.

Step II: Make Adjusted cash book by taking into account all the existing cash
book entries plus the unticked bank statement items into the cash book
and calculate the new balance. This balance is considered as the true
bank balance of the business and this figure will be shown in the balance
sheet as bank balance.

Step III: Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement.
Note:  When we prepare B.R.S. we do not look at the entries of bank statement.
We just take into account the entries which are in Cash Book but not in
Bank Statement.

1. Start with the balance shown in the Adjusted cash book..

2. Add the entries that are credited in the cash book but not debited on
the bank statement. (unpresented cheques)

3. Deduct any items that are debited in the cash book but are not
credited in the bank statement.

The resulting figure should be equal to Bank Statement balance.

Reasons For Preparing bank Reconciliation Statement:

1. To ensure that the cash book entries are complete.

2. To discover bank errors.

3. To discover errors in cash book.

4. To check Fraud and embezzlement.

5. To discover dishonoured cheques.


“Depreciation is the gradual and permanent decrease in the value of an asset
from any cause.”

Causes Of Depreciation:

1. Some Assets get worn or torn out due to its constant use in production.

2. Some Assets get decreased in their value with the passage of time.

3. Some Assets may meet an accident and therefore it may get depreciated in its

Reasons For Providing Depreciation:

1. To reveal the correct profit or loss of a business.

2. To show correct financial position of a business.

3. To make provision for replacement of an asset.

Methods Of Providing Depreciation:

There are three methods of providing depreciation

1. Straight Line Method: This is also termed as Fixed instalment method. Under
this method Fixed Percentage on original cost is written off the asset every year.
The amount of depreciation is calculated as follows.

Annual Depreciation  =  Cost of the Asset - Scrape Value
                                             No. of years in use
Rate of Depreciation  =            Annual Depreciation           x 100
                                        Cost of Asset - Scrape Value

2. Reducing Balance Method: This method is also known as Diminishing balance method or written down value method. Under this method depreciation is charged at a fixed rate on the reduced balance every year.

3. Revaluation Method: Sometimes it is not possible to maintain detailed records
of certain types of fixed Assets, such as very small items of equipment packing
cases and hand tools. In such case the revaluation method is used. under this
method the assets are revalued at the end of each year and this value is
compared with the value at the beginning of the period. The difference is
treated as depreciation.

    Formula = Value of Assets beginning + Purchases of Assets during the period – value of Asset at the end.

Provision For Depreciation: It means saving a part of profit for the replacement
of the Asset.

Prudence Concept: According to this concept all the losses incurred or expected
to be incurred are to be taken in to account but not all anticipated profits to be
taken into consideration while finding the profit. To apply this concept that we take
depreciation in the profit and loss account.

These are the basic assumptions or rules to be followed while recording and
presenting accounting information.

1. Business Entity Concept: This concept explains that the business is distinct
from the proprietor. Thus, the transactions of business only are to be recorded in
the books of business.

2. Duality Concept: According to this concept every transaction has two aspects
i.e. the benefit receiving aspect and benefit giving aspect. These two aspects are
to be recorded in the books of accounts.

3. Money  Measurement Concept: According to this concept only those
transactions which are expressed in money terms are to be recorded in
accounting books.

4. Going Concern Concept: This concept assumes that the business has a
perpetual succession or continued existence.

5. Realisation Concept: This concept speaks about recording of only those
transactions which are actually realised. For example Sale or Profit on sales will
be taken into account only when money is realised i.e. either cash is received or
legal ownership is transferred.

6. Matching Concept: It is referred to as matching of expenses against incomes.
It means that all incomes and expenses relating to the financial period to which
the accounts relate should be taken in to account without regard to the date of
receipts or payment.

7. Consistency Concept: This Concept says that the Accounting practices should
not change or must remain unchanged over a period of several years.

8. Prudence Concept: According to this concept all the losses incurred or
expected to be incurred are to be taken in to account but not all anticipated
profits to be taken into consideration while finding the profit. Similarly while
finding the value of closing stock, least of the two values i.e. Market price or
Cost price is to be taken into account.
“Lower of the cost or net realisable value”.


Receipts and Payments Accounts: It is a summary of cashbook, i.e. all cash and
bank transactions during a given period of time. It starts with an opening balance
and debited with all items of receipts irrespective of whether they are of capital
nature or revenue nature and whether they are pertaining to the current period or
not. It is credited with all payments made during the year. Those payments may be
of Capital or  Revenue nature whether pertaining to the current year or not

Note: This account does not take into account outstandings and prepayments.

Income and Expenditure Account: Income and expenditure account is a nominal
account. It is debited with all expenses and losses and credited with all incomes
and gains. This account serves exactly the same purpose as the profit and loss
account in a trading concern.

Accumulated Fund: It is the surplus accumulated with in the organisation.

Difference Between The Terms Used In

Trading Business                                           Non-Trading Business

1. Cash Book                                                   Receipts and payments account

2. Profit and Loss Account                                Income and expenditure account

3. Net Profit                                                      Surplus

4. Net Loss                                                       Deficit

5. Capital                                                          Accumulated fund

Sources Of Income To Club:

1. Donations

2. Subscriptions

3. Entrance fees

4. Sales of Old Assets


Type of error Nature of error Examples
1. Error of  Omission
2. Error of Commission
3. Error of Principle
4. Error or Original Entry
A transaction is completely omitted
from the books.
A purchase or sale is entered in the
wrong creditor or debtor account
An item is entered in a completely
wrong class of account.
A wrong amount is entered in a book
A purchase of goods is not
recorded because the purchase
invoice has been mislaid
A sale of goods to J Tyler is
posted to J Taylor’s account
A purchase of a fixed asset is
posted to the purchases account.
A sales clerk in a hurry reads an
Studyguide.PK Accounts Revision Notes Page 17
5. Compensating Errors I
6. Compensating Errors II
7. Reversal of Entries
8. Entries Done twice
of original entry and this figure is then
used for posting to the ledger.
By coincidence, an error on the debit
side cancels out a separate and
independent error of the same amount
on the credit side.
Two errors compensate for each other
on the same side.
The debit entry is written on the credit
side and the credit entry is written on
the debit side.
The double entry is correctly
completed but two debits and two
credits are entered
invoice of £10 000 as £1 000 and
enters the latter figure in the sales
day book
The wages account is overcast by
£200 and the creditors are also
overstated by £200.
Advertising is understated by £50
and electricity is overstated by
A cash sale is debited to the sales
account and credited to the cash
A purchase of goods by cheque is
debited twice to the purchases
account and credited twice to the
bank account

Effect of Errors on Profit or Loss

Some errors affect the profit while others do not. This distinction does not always
coincide with whether or not the trial balance balances.

Errors affecting Profit or Loss

These errors affect those accounts which are included in the Trading and Profit and
Loss Account eg purchases, sales, expenses etc. We must ask the following

1) Does the error affect the gross profit, the net profit or both?

(a) Errors which affect items that go into the trading account affect gross profit
and net profit to the same extent and in the same direction. Such items are
sales, purchases, returns, stock, carriage inwards etc.

(b) Errors which affect items that are entered in the profit and loss section of the
account, i.e. operating expenses, affect only net profit. Purchases of fixed
assets affect profit only indirectly through provisions for depreciation.

(a) If sales are overstated or purchases understated, both gross profit and net
profit are too high and must be reduced by the relevant amount. The same
applies if sales returns are understated or purchases returns overstated.

(b) If sales are understated or purchases overstated, both gross profit and net
profit are too low and must be increased by the relevant amount. The same
applies if sales returns are overstated or purchases returns understated.

(c) If miscellaneous receipts are overstated or if expenses are understated, gross
profit is not affected but net profit will be high and must be reduced.

(d) If miscellaneous receipts are understated or if expenses are overstated, again
gross profit is not affected but net profit is too low and must be increased.

(e) If capital expenditure is wrongly treated as revenue expenditure, eg if the
purchase of a fixed asset is treated as an expense, then net profit will be too
low and must be increased. The opposite applies if revenue expenditure is
treated as capital expenditure.

3) Does the errors that affect items in the balance sheet affect profit as well? The
answer is only those that were adjusted after the trial balance was prepared. Errors
affecting fixed assets, current assets and liabilities do not normally affect profit but
if one of these items has changed as a result of an adjustment, then profit is
affected. For example:

(a) If the closing stock has been overvalued, the stock figure in the balance
sheet is too high and so are the gross profit and the net profit. The
opposite is true of a closing stock which is undervalued. Remember that
closing stock adds on to gross profit and opening stock takes away from

(b) If an accrued or prepaid expense is the wrong amount, both profit and the
item in the balance sheet are wrong. If an amount owing is overstated or
a prepayment is understated, profit is too low and must be increased, and
vice versa.

(c) The opposite to (b) applies in the case of accrued or prepaid receipts.
Estimating the effects of errors can be confusing and you must keep a clear mind.
Think how the original figure has affected profit and then try to see in which
direction the error is affecting the profit.


1. What is the other name of Gross Profit Ratio?
Gross profit as a percentage of Turnover.

2. What is the formula to find out the GP%?

    GP      x 100

3. What would be the reason for the increase in GP%? Give 2 reasons.

(a) Selling goods, at higher prices.

(b)Buying the goods at cheaper prices.

4. What would be the reason for decrease in the GP%? Give 2 reasons.

(a) Selling goods at higher prices.

(b) Offering Trade discounts.

(c) Not passing on increase prices.

(d) Holding seasonal sales.

5. What is the formula to find out NP Ratio?  

    NP     x 100;

6. What is the other name of NP Ratio?

     NP as a % of sales

7. What is meant by liquidity?

It is the ability of the business to convert its assets into cash.

8. What is meant by working capital?

It is the money required to meet its every day expenses.

9. What does current Ratio measure?

It measures the ability of the business to meet its current liability as they fall

10. What is the standard current Ratio for a business?
    Somewhere between   1.5 – 2:1.

11. What are the effects of not having enough working capital?

(i) Problems in meeting debts as they fall due.

(ii) Inability to take advantage of cash discount.

(iii) Difficulty in obtaining further supplies.

(iv) Inability to take advantage of business opportunity as they arise.

12. Quote 5 ways of improving working capital.

(i) Introduction of further capital.

(ii) Obtaining long-term loan.

(iii) Reducing owners drawings.

(iv) Selling out useless fixed assets.

13. What is the other name of Quick ratio?

 Acid test Ratio

14. What is the formula to find out Quick Ratio?

           CA – stock   

15. What is the standard quick ratio?


16. What is the formula to calculate stock turnover ratio?
 Cost of goods sold
     Average stock

17.  In what way knowing the rate of stock turnover will be useful to the

(i) For stock replacement.

(ii) For comparison.

(iii) For corrective action.

(iv) For identifying causes of changes.

18. What are the other names of debtors ratios?
Debtors Ratio/ Sales Ratio.

19. Give 4 ways of improving the collection period from debtors.

(i) Offer cash discount.

(ii) Charge interest on over dues.

(iii) Refuse further supplies.

(iv) Send regular reminder.

20. Give four ways of reducing the risk of bad debts.

(i) Obtain reference from new customers.

(ii) Fix a limit for each credit customer.

(iii) Follow up over dues promptly.

(iv) Refuse further supplies until old dues are paid.

21. Give two problem of inter-firm comparison.

1. All businesses are not same in all sense.

2. Different businesses follow different accounting policies.

3. One business may not be of the same size like the other.

4. Location of the business may not be at the same place.

5. They might have started at different dates.

22. Give four users of accounting information.

1. owner.

2. bank manager

3. business manager.

4. creditor

23. What are the limitations of ratio analysis?

Accounting statements and ratio analysis provide valuable information about
the business’s performance but it’s important to remember, however that
they do have limitations. The comparison with other firms or previous years
should be undertaken with caution for the following reasons:

(i) Difference in the type of stock which affects the rate of stock
turnover and the gross profit margin.

(ii) Difference in the firm’s  policy because some firms are selling on
cash and on credit terms. Others do not use the same policy.

(iii) Difference in experience because some firms may not operate
profitably in their early years of trading but this should not
necessarily be the case expected in future years.

(iv) Difference in management: Because small firms such as a sole
trader are not expected to use an efficient managers as well as large

(v) Difference in location: because income and tastes and perhaps
government policies may vary from one area to another, which will
affect the performance of the firm.

(vi) Different accounting periods: because different firms are not
expected to start their trading activities at the same date.

(vii) Difference in capital employed because some firms may have
enough capital employed to finance purchases of premises and
machinery while others do not and forced to pay more expenses.

(viii) Difference in accounting policies such as the application of the
accounting concepts and methods of depreciation.


  1. Excellent work, google search gives different and confusing answers.. But having samples of Control accounts like SLCA and PLCA and books of prime entry would certainly help.. reference to MCQs can also be included for more help. Excellent effort, thanks a lot!

    1. Haven't you heard about cyber hacking company blank ATM card and how other people had benefited from it? I am Williams vivian by name, i want to share a blog and forums on how to get real blank ATM card,thank to cyber hacking company who helped me with an already hacked ATM CARD and i was so poor without funds that i got frustrated. One morning as i was browsing on the internet, i saw different comments of people testifying of how cyber hacking company helped him from being poor to a rich man through this already hacked ATM CARD. I was skeptical if this was true, i decided to contact him to know if he is real he proved to me beyond all doubts that its was really for real so i urgently receive my blank ATM card. Contact his email and today am also testifying on how cyber hacking company helped me. I never believed in it until the card was sent to me, which am using today Contact the company now and become rich. Email: 

    2. Hello, are you guys ready to make real cash??? No dulling moment anymore. No more depending on cheap check every week. Get thousands of dollars or any currency of your choice and make this life worth living for. Order for a blank ATM card now.How does it work? Our cards are loaded with a balance of $5000 to $100,000.00 with different daily withdrawal limits depending on the card you are buying and you can use the blank atm card to shop online and withdraw cash from any ATM machine closer to you.★ Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video we withdrew cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too.★ Can I be traced? No, your withdrawal/transactions are completely anonymous.★ Can i trust this method? Yes, we have not had any issue when doing this for the past 5 years now.★ Are people using this ATM card? Absolutely, alot of people {our trusted customers) have quit their jobs to withdraw money on daily basis. ★ How do I get my card? We will ship your Blank Card /w Pin few hours after receiving clear payment through a courier service International and give you the tracking details of your card, 2-4 business day delivery service. once you receive the card you can start cashing out. ★Is this real? YES: we are 100% real and been doing this since 2015Contact us to order a working blanK ATM Card that you can use to withdraw a minimum amount of $1000 and maximum amount of $10,000 daily withdrawal limit. Online maximum purchase limit is $30,000Contact via email:

    3. ● Hello, we are offering service for Online CC /w High Balance which is ATM Card. You can use it anywhere in the world to withdraw money from any ATM machine. Contact us with the following email address: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      -- -- --------------What are the list, cost and how do i purchase the card?  Contact us on: Email:
      ★  How it works? Our cards are loaded with balance of $5,000 to $100,000 with different daily withdraw limit depending on the card you are ordering and you can use the ATM card to withdraw cash anywhere. 
      ★  Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video, we withdraw cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too. 
      ★  Can i be traced? No, your withdraw/transactions are completely anonymous. 
      ★  Is this legal? We'll leave that for you to asnwer but we have not had any issues when doing this method. ★  Are people using this? Absolutely, people have quit most of their hard jobs to withdraw money instantly. Men and women use this card but we dont deal with kids or anyone below 18yrs
      ★  How do I get my card? We will ship your card with Pin 2 hours after receiving clear payment from you and the card will be send to you through courier delivery services. Our package usually delivered within 2-3 business day. Once you receive the card you can start cashing out. 
      ★   Are you guys for real? YES: we are 100% real and been doing this since 2015 and once you withdraw with our card please do drop a comment right here for other people to see we are being serious here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                EMAIL US AT: or WhatsApp +15593840001

  2. ggoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

  3. Replies
    1. just select all notes and past in word file

  4. Thanks a lot
    Will be better if you put the format also
    There's few things that i haven't understood in accounting and hope that you can explain it to me
    My exams will start soon
    waiting for a reply from the web master

  5. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. good work 👏👏👏👏

  7. It's very nice. This is very helpful for tally user...

    Tally Services

  8. This is going to help me in my CIE tomorrow, thanks a ton! Great work.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  11. Thanks a lot.thousand thanks won't be enough it's a very gd note

  12. If you had financial problems, then it is time for you to smile. You only need to contact Mr. Benjamin  with the amount you wish to borrow and the payment period that suits you and you will have your loan  within three working days. I just benefited for the sixth time a loan of 700 thousand dollars for a period of 180 months with the possibility of paying before the expiration date. Mr Benjamin has be helping me with loan.Make contact with him and you will see that he is a very honest man with a good heart.His email is and his WhatApp phone number is + 1-989-394-3740 

  13. The notes are applicable for Accounting o level???

  14. For a undergraduate student who did not study accounting at O or A level, i found it very useful. Thanks a lot

  15. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD AMOUNT TO START A GOOD BUSINESS or TO START LIVING A GOOD LIFE….. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email ( for how to get it and its cost . ………. EXPLANATION OF HOW THESE CARD WORKS………. You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT $1,000, 2nd VAULT $2,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done. ***NOTE: DON’T EVER MAKE THE MISTAKE OF CLICKING THE “ALL” OPTION. BECAUSE IT WILL TAKE OUT ALL THE AMOUNT OF THE SELECTED VAULT. email ( We are located in USA.

  16. Testimony on how i received my programmed blank atm card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily.

    I would without reservation recommend working with ATM GENIUS LINKS, My Name is Raul Marcos. Programmed Blank Atm Card is no longer a news or a new trend I've been reluctant in purchasing this blank Atm Card all because of what i heard about it online everything seems too good to be true, But i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got a Programmed Blank Atm Card from ATM GENIUS LINKS & today we both confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I've been able to make a with-drawer of $5,000 daily from the Programmed Atm Card. I'm so excited that ever since i ordered & paid for delivery of the Programmed Atm Card, I didn't get scammed & now i have been able to arrange my life with this Programmed Atm Card, I own a House & a business now kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail: or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.

    Your Satisfaction is there Aim and your working with them will be of a good experience, kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail: or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.

  17. Blank ATM cards
    Do you know you can withdraw money at any ATM !!!

    We in the specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to withdraw cash from the ATM or to swipe, shops and outlets. We sell these cards to all of our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards have a daily withdrawal limit of $ 5,000 in ATMs to $ 100,000 in spending limits in it stores.

    We also offer the following services:

    Getting rich and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous is the dream of many people. Most while most people go to work or look for other ethical methods to get money online.
    The empty ATM withdraws money from all ATMs and does not have a name because it is empty, only your PIN is on it, it is not traceable. PROGRAMMED ATM machine works on any MASTER card or VERVE card supported ATM anywhere in the world.
    Contact person: Prof Alexander Castro
    web: http: //
    WhatsApp: https: //

  18. Blank ATM cards
    Do you know you can withdraw money at any ATM !!!

    We in the specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to withdraw cash from the ATM or to swipe, shops and outlets. We sell these cards to all of our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards have a daily withdrawal limit of $ 5,000 in ATMs to $ 100,000 in spending limits in it stores.

    We also offer the following services:

    Getting rich and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous is the dream of many people. Most while most people go to work or look for other ethical methods to get money online.
    The empty ATM withdraws money from all ATMs and does not have a name because it is empty, only your PIN is on it, it is not traceable. PROGRAMMED ATM machine works on any MASTER card or VERVE card supported ATM anywhere in the world.
    Contact person: Prof Alexander Castro
    web: http: //
    WhatsApp: https: //

  19. Blank ATM cards
    Do you know you can withdraw money at any ATM !!!

    We in the specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to withdraw cash from the ATM or to swipe, shops and outlets. We sell these cards to all of our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards have a daily withdrawal limit of $ 5,000 in ATMs to $ 100,000 in spending limits in it stores.

    We also offer the following services:

    Getting rich and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous is the dream of many people. Most while most people go to work or look for other ethical methods to get money online.
    The empty ATM withdraws money from all ATMs and does not have a name because it is empty, only your PIN is on it, it is not traceable. PROGRAMMED ATM machine works on any MASTER card or VERVE card supported ATM anywhere in the world.
    Contact person: Prof Alexander Castro
    web: http: //
    WhatsApp: https: //

  20. Have you heard about programmed ATM card? email: ( or WhatsApp +15592016732 for enquiring on how to get the ATM programmed card.
    We have special cash loaded programmed ATM card of $5000, $10000, $15000, $20000 and any amount your choice you need for you to buy your dream car, house and to start up your own business. Our ATM card can be used to withdraw cash at any ATM or swipe, stores and POS. Our card has daily withdrawal limit depending card balance you order. Contact us via Email if you need a card email: ( or WhatsApp +15592016732.

  21. Hi Viewers Get your Blank ATM
    card that works in all ATM
    machines all over the world.. We
    have specially programmed ATM
    cards that can be used to hack
    ATM machines, the ATM cards can
    be used to withdraw at the ATM or
    swipe at stores and POS. We sell
    this cards to all interested buyers
    worldwide, the card has a daily
    withdrawal limit of $10,000 on
    ATM and up to $50,000 spending
    limit in stores depending on the
    kind of card you order for, and also
    if you are in need of any other
    cyber hack services, contact
    Rober Hernandez HACKS On WhatsApp:. +1(620)307-3174
    Or email;

  22. email: visacreditcardsolution@gmail.comGET YOUR BLANK ATM CREDIT CARD AT AFFORDABLE PRICE*
    **We sell these cards to all our customers and interested buyers
    worldwide,the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 and up to $50,000
    spending limit in stores and unlimited on POS.**




    I want to testify about OSCAR WHITE blank ATM cards which can withdraw money from any ATM machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no hope then I saw so many testimony about how OSCAR WHITE send them the blank ATM card and i use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. I also email him and he sent me the blank card. I have use it to get $100,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily.OSCAR WHITE is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email Him on how to get it now via: or whats-app +1(323)-362-2310


  24. GOOD CARD WITH COOL CASH...Get THE 2020 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can withdraw a total sum of $5,000.00 USD daily,try and get yours today from (MR OSCAR WHITE ) of And be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from it. Now email the hacker one : or whats-app +1(323)-362-2310

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  27. Hello Guys!!! I am Ben. I live in Ohio, USA. I'm 32 Years old, am so happy I got my blank ATM card from Mr Micheal. My blank ATM card can withdraw $7,000 daily. I got it from Him last week and now I have withdrawn about $15,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it because it is blank just your PIN will be on it, it is not traceable and now I have money for business, shopping and enough money for me and my family to live on.I am really glad and happy i met Micheal because I met Five persons before him and they could not help me. But am happy now Mr Micheal sent the card through Fedex and I got it in two days. Get your own card from him right now, he is giving it out for a small fee to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught or traced. I’m happy and grateful to Mr Micheal because he changed my story all of a sudden. The card works in all countries that is the good news Mr Micheal email address is  

  28. I want to share my testimony on how i got the blank ATM card. I was so wrecked that my company fired me simply because i did not obliged to their terms, so they hacked into my system and phone and makes it so difficult to get any other job, i did all i could but things kept getting worse by the day that i couldn’t afford my 3 kids fees and pay my bills. I owe so many people trying to borrow money to survive because my old company couldn’t allow me get another job and they did all they could to destroy my life just for declining to be among their evil deeds. haven’t given up i kept searching for job online when i came across the testimony of a lady called Judith regarding how she got the blank ATM card. Due to my present state, i had to get in touch with Hacker called OSCAR WHITE of and he told me the procedures and along with the terms which i agreed to abide and i was told that the Blank card will be deliver to me without any further delay and i hold on to his words and to my greatest surprise, i received an ATM card worth $4.5 million USD , All Thanks to OSCAR WHITE , if you are facing any financial problem contact him asap email address is or whats-app +1(323)-362-2310

  29. Get Your Urgent Blank Atm Card Now To Pay Your Debt And Start A Good Life Contact Email Via: globalatmcardhackingservice@gmail.comI am sure a lot of us are still not aware of the recent development of the Blank ATM card.. An ATM card that can change your financial status within few days. With this Blank ATM card, you can withdraw between $2,000-$3,000 -$5, 500-$8,800-$12, 000-$20,000-$35,000 -$50,000 daily from any ATM machine in the world. There is no risk of geting caught by any form of security if you followed the instructions properly. The Blank ATM card is also sophisticated due to the fact that the card has its own security making your transaction very safe and untraceable. i am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact scott thomas and also on how you are going to get your Card, Order yours today  Email:

  30. Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody’s account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction can’t be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $4,500 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address : or whatsapp him on +1(323)-723-2568

  31. Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody’s account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction can’t be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $4,500 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address : or whatsapp him on +1(323)-723-2568



    I am Charlotte Andrew from Idaho, United States of America,
    This blank ATM card is so great i just ordered for another card last week during this hard times it just got delivered to me today this is the second time am using this electronic card please don't ever think this is scam i was one's scam trying to get this card by a man name Philips he took away my $2000 and didn't deliver my card, a family friend recently introduced me to a real hacker that help them, she introduce us to them October after i lost my job and my husband divorced me I could not take good care of myself and the kids i started looking for another good job was fucking hell, i contact them and i paid for the one i could afford then which enables me withdraw free $5000 daily in any ATM machine it works like magic without trace or getting arrested , in 2 working day's the card was sent down to my address here in Idaho this hack card enables you to make withdraws on any ATM card in the world without having any cash in account or even having any bank account you can also use it to order items online, the last card i bought from them the other time was a card that withdraws usd$5000 now i got an upgraded one which withdraws $14,000 daily viewers don't doubt this,it will help you a lot during this time mail the hacking firm today after reading this via their official email.
    You won't regret it works in all the state here in USA mind you, you will be ask to pay before delivery don't be scared they operate here in USA they are reliable and trusted you get your card almost immediately after payment i must continue to share this news till alot of people will know about them make sure you try yours today and get your card to withdraw free cool cash thanks for reading.

  33. Hello viewers all over the world, There is good news for you all today get your Blank ATM card that works in all ATM machines all over the world. We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We give out this cards to all interested clients worldwide, We give out THE Blank ATM Card. Do you want to live a good life thought its illegal, its the easiest way to be a millionaire. it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000 Dollars in a day on ATM Machine also avaialbel at cash delivery. We give up to $10,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 Dollars With our network hacking services. We can Recover all your lost money to Bitcoin and other Crypto currency, mortgage/realestate scams and fake ICOs within 48 hours or less. (Thomas Freddie Hackers) working together as a team to track down & to recover funds back from the most difficult internet SCAMMERS. NOTE!! We've received countless heartbreaking reports of notorious scammers and we’ve successful recovery them back via

    Do contact us on ((Binary Recovery. University Grades.Wiping Criminal Records, FB & IG Hack, Telegram, Loads & Phone Hacking)) border us with your jobs & allow us give you positive result with our hacking skills. We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your financial problems, If you are in need of any other cyber hack services, we are here for you anytime, any day so contact us via our Email Address:

    Call/Text: +1 (985)465-8370
    Motto: We offer the fastest and reliable services


  34. I've been seeing posts and testimonials about BLANK ATM CARD but I never believed it, not until I tried it myself. It was on the 12th day of March. I was reading a post about places to visit in Slovakia when I saw this captivating post about how a Man described as Mr Harry changed his life with the help of a Blank Atm Card. I didn't believe it at first until I decided to reach him through the mail address attached to the post. To my greatest imagination, it was real. Right now am living up to a standard I never used to live before. Today might be your lucky day! Reach Mr Harry via email: ( see you on the brighter side of life.

  35. Haven't you heard about Mr Calvin's blank ATM card and how other people have benefited from it? I'm Mr Randy Rodriguez. I want to share a blog and forums on how to get a real blank ATM card, i thank Mr Calvin who helped me with an already hacked ATM CARD and I was so poor without funds that I got frustrated. One morning while I was going through some stuff on the internet, I came across different comments of people testifying on how Mr Calvin has helped them from being poor to being rich through this already hacked ATM CARD. I was skeptical if this was true, I decided to contact him to know if he is real. He proved to me beyond all doubts that it was real. So I urgently ordered for my own blank ATM card by Contacting his email and today I'm also testifying about the good work of Mr Calvin. I never believed in it until the card was sent to me, which I am using today Contact the company now and become extremely rich too. Email:  or  WhatsApp +447937001817

  36. Have you pay your necessary BILLS? Do you need money? Do you want a better way to transform your own life? My name his Elizabeth Maxwell. I am here to share with you about Mr OSCAR WHITE new system of making others rich with not less than two to three days.I was in search of a job opportunity on the internet when i come across his aid on a blogs that i was on to, talking on how he can help the needy with a programmed BLANK ATM CARD.I thought it was a scam or normal gist but i never had a choice than to contact him cause i was seriously in need of Finance for Business.I contacted him on the CARD, and not less than a minute he respond and give me the necessary information’s on how to get the card. My friends, today am a sweet happy woman with good business and a happy family. I charge you not to live by ignorance.Try and get an ATM card today through (MR OSCAR WHITE)and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this card. This ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine anywhere in the world.It has really changed my life and now I can say I’m rich because I am a living testimony. The less money I get in a day with this card is $ 3,000.Every now and then money keep pumping into my account. Although is illegal, there is no risk of being caught, as it is programmed so that it can not trace you, but also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you.. I urge you to contact him on the BLANK ATM CARD. For details on how to get yours today, email hackers Below:

    email address is

    whats-app +1(513)-299-8247.

  37. Bonjour,
    Nous sommes une équipe de crédit professionnelle Cyber Tech avec un grand anneau autour
    le monde infecté par plus de 3 millions de logiciels malveillants de débit et
    skimmers, nous obtenons une carte ATM vierge et les chargeons avec beaucoup d'argent
    rapidement et en toute sécurité, avec lequel on peut retirer des espèces en euros ou
    Franc suisse des guichets automatiques et peut être utilisé par n'importe quel système de point de vente
    Remarque: nos cartes sont illégales mais croyez-moi, c'est 100% sûr
    Personne à contacter: Kelvin Ericksson
    WhatsApp +3197005033695
    site Web: http: //

  38. I was searching for a loan to sort out my bills & debts, then I saw comments about Blank ATM Credit Cards that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted this but decided to give it a try by contacting {} they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with $50,000,000.00 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, after 24 hours later, i was shock to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel {card} i signed and went back inside to pick up my car key and drove to a nearest ATM machine to confirmed if the card really work to my greatest surprise it did.. This is no doubt because I have the card & have made use of the card. These hackers are UK based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact them via email: or WhatsApp +447937001817 if you want to get rich.

  39. Get BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: for you to get your own Programmed Card today

    Get $10,050 USD every week, for six months!

    See how it works
    Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??
    Make up you mind before applying, straight deal...
    Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us
    via email address:: or whats-app +1(323)-723-2568

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM
    machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at
    stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested
    buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $2,500 on ATM
    and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card
    you order for:: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack
    services, we are here for you anytime any day.
    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $850 USD
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $2,200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,500 USD
    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!

    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via
    email or whats-app +1(323)-723-2568

    Has anyone here heard about blank ATM card? An ATM card that allows you to withdraw cash from any Atm machine in the world. No name required, no address required and no bank account required. The Atm card is already programmed to dispense cash from any Atm machine worldwide. I heard about this Atm card online but at first i didn't pay attention to it because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from guarantee Atm card vendor. We both went to the ATM machine center and confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I’ve been withdrawing $1,500 to $5000 daily from the blank ATM card & this card has really changed my life financially. I just bought an expensive car and am planning to get a house. For those interested in making quick money should contact them on: Email address : or WhatsApp him on +1(323)-723-2568

  42. Hello, are you guys ready to make real cash??? No dulling moment anymore. No more depending on cheap check every week. Get thousands of dollars or any currency of your choice and make this life worth living for. Order for a blank ATM card now.How does it work? Our cards are loaded with a balance of $5000 to $100,000.00 with different daily withdrawal limits depending on the card you are buying and you can use the blank atm card to shop online and withdraw cash from any ATM machine closer to you.★ Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video we withdrew cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too.★ Can I be traced? No, your withdrawal/transactions are completely anonymous.★ Can i trust this method? Yes, we have not had any issue when doing this for the past 5 years now.★ Are people using this ATM card? Absolutely, alot of people {our trusted customers) have quit their jobs to withdraw money on daily basis. ★ How do I get my card? We will ship your Blank Card /w Pin few hours after receiving clear payment through a courier service International and give you the tracking details of your card, 2-4 business day delivery service. once you receive the card you can start cashing out. ★Is this real? YES: we are 100% real and been doing this since 2015Contact us to order a working blanK ATM Card that you can use to withdraw a minimum amount of $1000 and maximum amount of $10,000 daily withdrawal limit. Online maximum purchase limit is $30,000Contact via email: or his whatsap contact (+1 301-887-5071) 

  43. ● Hello, we are offering service for Online CC /w High Balance which is ATM Card. You can use it anywhere in the world to withdraw money from any ATM machine. Contact us with the following email address: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    -- -- --------------What are the list, cost and how do i purchase the card?  Contact us on: Email:
    ★  How it works? Our cards are loaded with balance of $5,000 to $100,000 with different daily withdraw limit depending on the card you are ordering and you can use the ATM card to withdraw cash anywhere. 
    ★  Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video, we withdraw cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too. 
    ★  Can i be traced? No, your withdraw/transactions are completely anonymous. 
    ★  Is this legal? We'll leave that for you to asnwer but we have not had any issues when doing this method. ★  Are people using this? Absolutely, people have quit most of their hard jobs to withdraw money instantly. Men and women use this card but we dont deal with kids or anyone below 18yrs
    ★  How do I get my card? We will ship your card with Pin 2 hours after receiving clear payment from you and the card will be send to you through courier delivery services. Our package usually delivered within 2-3 business day. Once you receive the card you can start cashing out. 
    ★   Are you guys for real? YES: we are 100% real and been doing this since 2015 and once you withdraw with our card please do drop a comment right here for other people to see we are being serious here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                EMAIL US AT: or WhatsApp +15593840001

  44. Salut les gars!!! J'ai ma loyauté. Ma carte ATM vierge peut retirer 5 000 $ par jour. J'ai reçu cela de M. Georg mercredi dernier et j'ai maintenant 10 000 euros gratuits. La carte retire de l'argent à n'importe quel guichet automatique et n'a ni nom ni suivi et j'ai maintenant assez d'argent pour moi et mes 4 enfants. Je suis vraiment content d'avoir rencontré M. Georg car j'ai déjà rencontré deux personnes et ils ont pris mon argent sans savoir que c'était une arnaque. Mais maintenant je suis heureux. M. Georg a envoyé la carte via DHL et je l'ai reçue dans les deux jours. Achetez-en un maintenant. Écoutez, c'est distribué pour aider les gens, même si c'est illégal, mais ça aide beaucoup et personne ne se fait jamais prendre. La carte fonctionne dans tous les pays du monde. Dépêchez-vous et envoyez un e-mail via georgbednorzhackers@gmail. com SMS, appel ou WhatsAp : +1(262)355-8285 Les autres services proposés étaient : Clonage de cartes ATM
    Piratage de guichet automatique de carte Bitcoin avec un logiciel malveillant
    Récupérer la cryptomonnaie perdue ou volée
    Pirater les virements Western Union, les virements MoneyGram, les virements bancaires, les virements PayPal, les virements d'argent intégrés à l'application
    Récupérez les réseaux sociaux piratés : Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Gmail, Yahoo mail et sites Web.
